
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Emojis the new 'like' On Facebook

Desktop Version

By Lexi Thayer

ATLANTA, Ga- Emoji's in. 'likes' out. Emoji Reactions are the new 'like' on Facebook.

Facebook's 1.5 billion users will now have the option to sort from five different categories of emoji reactions. Categories range from 'love', 'haha', 'wow', 'sad' and 'angry'. But don't think you can run to your Facebook accounts too quickly to check out the new feature; conveniently called 'Reactions'. Facebook is currently testing out the feature in several countries. These include both Ireland and Spain. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, stated his sites users will begin to see the emojis "pretty soon".

Emoji Reactions

Zuckerberg explained that the emoji faces will appear below individual user's posts. The 'like' button below user's posts has been a huge hit on Facebook's site. For years users have been asking for a 'dislike' button because certain content shared can be labeled as sad or make you angry. That is one reason Facebook has decided to add on the 'Reaction' tool. “When you only have a like button, if you share a sad piece of content or something that makes you angry, people may not have the tool to react to it," said Zuckerberg. 

According to, Facebook users in Japan are now using emoji's to interact with their friends' timelines. Reactions are also now available in Chile, Portugal and the Philippines. The Reactions are easily accessible by holding down the like button on your cellphone, or you can hover over on your desktop to see the options to choose from. No word on when Zuckerberg will bring Features to the U.S., but only time will tell. 

Emoji Reactions on cellphone

I discovered the phenomenon of emoji's when I got my first iPhone in 2012. They were a great way to express how you were feeling when you just didn't have the words to say how you felt. Personally, I would love for Facebook to expend the Reaction emoji's to the U.S. I think it would be a big hit because almost everyone I know uses emoji's on a regular basis. There is just something about sending a sad or happy emoji and that person immediately knows how you're feeling. 

Also, as Zuckerberg mentioned, there are certain content pieces that a user posts that either makes you sad or angry, and you don't want to go and 'like' it. It would be great to have an option where you can show how you really feel about the content. The Reactions won't replace the 'like' option; it will just be there in cases where the 'like' is not appropriate. If they're a hit in several other countries, I don't see why they wouldn't be a hit in the U.S. Zuckerberg; bring Reactions to the U.S. so we can crack our hand at it.

What do you think? Emoji Reactions a good thing? Should Zuckerberg implement them to the U.S.?