
Monday, November 28, 2016

A stroll through Chastain Park: Arts Edition

White tents line Chastain Park for the seventh annual Chastain Park Fall Arts Festival.

  • The Atlanta Foundation for Public Spaces presents the seventh annual Chastain Park Arts Festival.
  • There will be 185 artists and artisans.
  • Visitors will enjoy fine arts with local food and beverage Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016, and Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016.

By: Lexi Thayer
November 29, 2016

Local and regional artists present their craft to all who wander from tent to tent. One will notice that there is a vast array of unique artistry. There are artists who dabble in charcoal, ceramics and photography. Artist Anastasia Alexandrin has a unique take on her art by creating pieces that tell a story of women empowerment, aesthetic beauty and inner self. She came down to Chastain Park from Philadelphia because she had heard great things about Chastain Park.
“If you want more aesthetics everywhere, you need to support the artists who are making those aesthetics,” Alexandrin said. “I think it helps everyone. It helps the artists trying to make it more and it helps the community because there’s more lively art and creativity happening.” The festival, in particular, gave Alexandrin the idea to come down and showcase her work. She said that the event is a great way for local artists and regional artists to showcase their work. 
Anastasia Alexandrin's artwork displayed at the Chastain Park Fall Arts Festival.
With 185 artists and artisans participating, the Chastain Park Fall Arts Festival has a little bit of everything for art lovers. For photography fanatics, one would enjoy natural light photographer, Jennifer Ludlum. Ludlum has traveled all over from Georgia, Punta Cana, South Africa and much more. Her passion for traveling and capturing unique images is what she loves to do as an artist. As a landscape and wildlife photographer, Ludlum has captured images of African lions, sunset beaches and the Atlanta Skyline.

Ludlum said she enjoys Chastain Park because of all the nature and wildlife she captures through her landscape and wildlife photography. “It’s an affluent community and area as well as just nature,” Ludlum said. “The neighborhood and the amount of activities that go on in the area draw the crowd as well as the park itself.” She explained she loves coming to this event because she’s surrounded by beauty.

Why should one support local artists and artisans?

“People who enjoy unique artwork…you can find really nice pieces of art to hang on your walls for not as expensive as art galleries,” Ludlum said. “Those of us here…we do it full-time; some do it as trying to make a little bit of extra money.” She said it’s a great place to find a little bit more affordable, fantastic art pieces.

Chastain Park Fall Arts Festival visitor Jarel Mac explained the festival is a great place for local and regional artists to showcase their work because it’s a great way to network. “You come out here, you have your stuff out and then people come and then they tell their friends about it,” Mac said. “It’s pretty much a word of mouth thing. An individual is doing this because they love to do it and they want to do it.”

Wonderworks Photography Principal Artist Mike Wells said that all of these kinds of events are the way for local artists to showcase their work. He explained he does most of his shows around the Metro-Atlanta area. He is always looking for the right venue within the Metropolitan area. Wells emphasized it’s so important to support local artists to keep them going. “I think art is important in all of its forms. Performing art, visual art and I think it’s really important,” Wells said. “If you don’t support them then it makes it very difficult for them to continue producing art.”

How does the Atlanta Foundation for Public Spaces help?

The Atlanta Foundation for Public Spaces was established back in 2005 to support the arts community. The AFFPS was formed to establish a way for artists to interact with other artists and set up shop. All the events that the AFFPS manages are to create a “destination” where both public and private opportunities for economic growth can be considered.

“A lot of the artists were looking for a class-a show that they could get into and in Atlanta, we have very limited shows and I used to live in the Chastain neighborhood,” said AFFPS owner Randall Fox. “It’s really about the community. Chastain Park is the perfect setting. There is not a more picturesque setting in Atlanta then this.”

According to the AFFPS website, they work in partnerships with the city of Atlanta and the Chastain Park community to expand public access to art. Fox said that he was an artist and his partner was an artist too. “What people don’t understand is that artists…if the weather is not great, their sales are affected,” Fox said. “So their income is affected. So they need shows they can get to and operate in easily.” 
Why has the arts festival been so successful?
“It’s the atmosphere. You’ve got the change of the leaves, the fall weather, and you’re getting close to the holidays,” Fox said. “Again, it’s about family and getting out and getting to mingle.” Fox said they’re not a ginormous show that everyone is elbow to elbow with. “You’re able to walk around, bring your dog, bring your kids and have a good time,” Fox said.

Regional artist Anastasia Alexandrin believes the festival has been so successful because of the people and the venue. “It’s been a great venue. I like the people,” Alexandrin said. She said that people who run the event, Randall Fox, and the AFFPS, are really great. “They’re really organized, they treat the artists really well,” Alexandrin said. “They bring the people.” 

Will the arts festival be here in five or 10 years?

 “This show has been here since 2009,” Fox said. “This is our inaugural show. This show will always be here.” Fox said the attendance is always really well and the sales are good. “I plan on it being here 75 years from now,” Fox said. According to the festival’s website, the Chastain Park area has the largest and most enthusiastic art buying community in Atlanta.

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