
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

7 Cardinal Rules For Life

As I came across this rule list for life, I thought it was perfect to share with everyone. I believe these 7 Cardinal Rules For Life are exactly what each and everyone of us should live by. 

1. Make Peace with your past so it won't disturb your present.
  • Everyone battles with their past and how to move forward from it. But if you keep muddling with your past issues, you'll just be stuck there and not be able to live a fulfilling life.   

2. What other people think of you is none of your business.   

  • I have this issue of always being worried with what everyone else thinks about me and whether they're judging me or not. I think everyone is a little insecure about how they portray themselves to the world. We think we have to please everyone, but honestly who cares what anyone else thinks of you? You do you!   

 3. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.
  • Everyone gets hurt in life. It doesn't matter what kind of hurt you've gone through. It could be the loss of a family member or friend, a bad breakup, or even something that is minute. Time is a great way to heal and recover from hardships that come your way. Everyone needs those times to collect themselves and think about what direction they want to go. 

 4.No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
  • There are no truer words than this. Happiness begins with you. If you are not happy with your life and the direction it is going, do something about it. There is no point in sitting around at a job you're not happy in, a major that is not fulfilling, or even a relationship that you're not benefiting from whether it's a relationship with a friend or significant other.To be truly happy, you have to understand what you want in life. Go out and do something new everyday. Experience life to the fullest and I guarantee you a happier you will appear.

 5. Don't compare your life to others. And don't judge them, you have no idea what their journey is all about. 
  • I couldn't agree more about this phrase. Many people jump to conclusions about one another and don't fully understand what someone is going through. Everyone is facing something daily. Whether it is in regards to family, money, school, relationships, etc. We as individuals have no right to judge someone. Of course everyone is a little guilty of comparing their lives to individuals they see on social media or television. I know I'm guilty of it. I'm also guilty of judging individuals when I know I shouldn't. I have no right to judge an individual on how they live their life. And you shouldn't either. Life is a journey and we should respect ourselves and our peers.  

 6. Stop thinking too much. It's alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it. 
  • I am very guilty of over-thinking and having to know the answer to my problems. I stay up nights thinking of my future and what I have to accomplish the next day. It's exhausting and I know I shouldn't worry, but who doesn't worry about their future? I need to learn to be patient and not over analyze every little detail of my life and where I'm going in life. All of us think too much. We are human. Who doesn't think too much about their job, family, friends, etc.? We should all learn to be a little more patient and just be content that everything will work out for the best. 

 7. Smile. You don't own all the problems in the world. 
  • I know there are a lot of negative Nancy's out there, me included every once in a while. I have those days where I think I'm having the worst day imaginable and can't accomplish one single activity. But then I think, I should smile and be happy with my life. I have a loving family, I have a roof over my head, I'm attending college, and was just offered a job! I don't say how thankful I am for the things I do have in life. There are individuals all over the United States and across the seas that are not as privileged as I am. And I should not be so selfish about the things I do have. It is not just me who has problems, but everyone has problems they're facing every day. Mine are so trivial compared to others. So smile a little more and be thankful for what you do have!  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"The Future Belongs To The Curious."

I've often thought about what the future holds for me. The future is unknown, but if you take one day at a time and not rush it, something truly amazing will happen. I think the future is always a little scary to think about, but everyone wonders what will be. It's also exciting to think where the future will take us all. Everyone has this picture in their head of what their future will be like no matter what age you're at. Whether you're seven or seventy years of age, everyone thinks of what their future holds for them. Everyone questions the future: "Where will they be in five years? Where will they be a month from now? or Where will they be tomorrow?" I believe the New Year is a great way to look toward a bright and rewarding year that lies ahead for each and everyone of us. This year, I plan do exactly as this quote states. I want to Try it, Explore, Poke, and Question where my future will take me. I plan on trying new things I haven't done before to experience life to the fullest. That's what New Years is all about. Trying, exploring, and questioning what life has to offer you.