
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"The Future Belongs To The Curious."

I've often thought about what the future holds for me. The future is unknown, but if you take one day at a time and not rush it, something truly amazing will happen. I think the future is always a little scary to think about, but everyone wonders what will be. It's also exciting to think where the future will take us all. Everyone has this picture in their head of what their future will be like no matter what age you're at. Whether you're seven or seventy years of age, everyone thinks of what their future holds for them. Everyone questions the future: "Where will they be in five years? Where will they be a month from now? or Where will they be tomorrow?" I believe the New Year is a great way to look toward a bright and rewarding year that lies ahead for each and everyone of us. This year, I plan do exactly as this quote states. I want to Try it, Explore, Poke, and Question where my future will take me. I plan on trying new things I haven't done before to experience life to the fullest. That's what New Years is all about. Trying, exploring, and questioning what life has to offer you. 

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