
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Facebook v. Periscope: Live debate

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By: Lexi Thayer

ATLANTA, Ga- Facebook Live better than Periscope. You be the judge of that.

Facebook Live is the new feature Facebook has brought to its social media platform. Facebook Live is quite similar to Periscope in where individuals can view video that's occurring right in the moment. But Facebook has the idea to permanently save and show your streams then Periscope deleting streaming video within 24 hours. According to Facebook, people watch Live streams 3 times longer than saved ones. Facebook decided from the urgency and interaction with people and Live streams that the News Feed in where ranked videos appear higher in your News Feed than saved streams.

Facebook initially launched Live for celebrities in August before it slowly was released to individuals with Verified Profiles and Pages. Facebook also determined instead of spamming all your friends and family with broadcasts, it would send push notifications if the video came from a close friend, Page you interacted with, or you subscribed to a Live video. This process allows Facebook users to catch Live streams while they're still happening. Likes and comments will be seen immediately by broadcasters.

Periscope video of the Today Show
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Periscope and Facebook Live are actually quite different, but still great ways to interact with Live streaming content. Periscope's motive is to get individuals involved within the first few minutes of the Live stream. Facebook on the other hand, will use their new Live streaming to show their users the best on-going streams presented on their News Feeds.

I personally think Facebook's Live streaming is a great way for broadcasters to get involved with their viewers and readers. I will get push notifications from WSB-TV or 11Alive to alert me of breaking news or even weather related issues. I know this will be a great way for news corporations to get more viewers. As the article stated, "But it's urgency, interaction, and raw unpredictability that make Live videos so fun to watch." I can wholeheartedly agree that Live videos will make people want to interact through likes and comments.

Facebook Live will make a huge impact on how news and events will be displayed within the future. I think not only myself, but also my fellow peers obtain their news through social media. These Live streaming videos make you stop and want to watch in that instant. When there are videos that are so popular, it'll be a great way to get awareness out to the public. Live videos are the new wave of the future!

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