
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Instagram's New Facelift

Noncommerical Instagram Feed
By: Lexi Thayer

ATLANTA,Ga- Instagram changing the game and following in the footsteps of Facebook.

Instagram, which is an image and video-sharing platform that caters to almost 400 million users, announced on Tuesday, March, 15th, that they will incorporate an algorithm that shows theirs users feed by importance rather than chronology. Essentially Instagram users will have their very own personalized News Feed. This new algorithm assumes posts individuals want to see will be shown at the top of their Feed. According to an Instagram blog posting “If your favorite musician shares a video from last night’s concert, it will be waiting for you when you wake up, no matter how many accounts you follow or what time zone you live in." 

Instagram is following in the foot steps of Facebook. Facebook first began having posts rolled out that were "relevant" to each user. According to, Instagram allows you to follow someone and see their posts as and when they post. Facebook however, is a company that controls what you see first. Many avid Instagram users are not happy about this change. One Twitter user, "Any chance of having the option to turn the algorithm on/off ? One of my favorite things about IG was seeing everything." 

Noncommerical Instagram Feed Image
The company stated that the change is being implemented because about 70 percent of photos and videos are missed being looked at by users. The introduction of the algorithmic feed on the mobile photo-sharing app hopes to address issues where people would miss posts because they are bumped down due to newer posts taking their place. Instagram didn't address when these new changes will occur, but within a few months your Feed will look a little different. Social apps continue to face problems of delivering content to the ever increasing user base. News Feeds are essential to social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Personally, I'm a little iffy about the change in the algorithm for Instagram. I understand they're trying to house more users and show their current users what they "think" they want to see. But it's the fun of Instagram browsing all the different photos and videos that you wouldn't normally see if they switch over to the algorithm. I think almost every IG user enjoys seeing posts they wouldn't normally see if their Feed is just categorized to what they usually look at or the individuals they follow on a daily basis. 

I think if Instagram slowly introduces the algorithm more people will begin to adjust to it. No one likes change, I know I don't. But this will allow you to look at posts from your friends and favorite celebrities you may not see on a regular basis if you're not on Instagram frequently. I'm indifferent, but I think Instagram needs a new facelift to their mass media platform. 

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